

What exactly is a fire walk?

Participants will undergo training of around one hour. When the fire has burned to red-hot embers it is raked level and prepared for the walk. Participants go to the fire, remove their footwear and one by one are invited to walk the coals.

Is it a trick?

No – the fire is very real. The embers will be glowing red-hot and we can often measure the temperature at around 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. You will have bare feet and they will not have been treated in any way.

Will it hurt?

The sensation is described by some as walking on eggshells, and others as walking on hot sand. Each walker has their own experience. We have not known walkers to experience pain and when the opportunity arises many will walk across the coals more than once.

How should I prepare?

There is no preparation to undertake. No treatment of the feet or mental exercise, just the training provided at the seminar. You should abstain from the consumption of alcohol prior to the event. Any person who is in the opinion of the trainer unfit to participate will not be permitted to take part. Please ensure your feet are clean and free from massage and pedicure oils.

What time do I need to be there and when does it finish?

The event will run from 6.30pm until approx. 9.30pm and includes a seminar for all participants before heading outside to walk on burning logs.

What should I wear?

There is no special clothing required but we recommend clothes that can be tucked in and trousers that can be rolled up. Casual comfortable clothes are best. Please remember fires can be quite dirty and clothes may become ash stained. Footwear needs to be easy to remove, and will need to be replaced before going back indoors so a hand towel might be a good idea. Flip flops are also a good idea, especially if the ground is cold. Nail varnish and toe rings are fine.

How fit do I need to be?

There is no strenuous physical exercise involved. If you can walk unaided then you should manage the fire walk perfectly well. If you have any doubts please consult your GP before attending.

Are there any medical restrictions?

We have many people walk who are pregnant, have diabetes, stroke survivors, and are blind, amongst many other conditions. None have been an issue, however we always recommend if in doubt seek advice from your doctor.

Is it safe?

There is an inherent risk in any activity involving fire. It is important that participants pay attention to all the training and heed the advice and instruction of the trainer, firewatchers and spotters. Whilst absolute safety is not guaranteed, proper procedure reduces risk to the achievable minimum.

What about age restrictions?

Participants should be over the age of 15 years old. For those under the age of 18 we ask that they are mature enough to listen to the training and we will require a parent or guardian to sign a form and a parent or guardian must be present at the fire walk.

Will I be hypnotised?

No. There is no hypnotism involved. You will be fully awake at all times – indeed you will be more alert than usual. You may also withdraw at any time if you wish.

I've collected all of my sponsorship money using a sponsor form, how do I donate it?

If you’ve collected in sponsorship money in cash or cheque then please return it, with your completed sponsorship form, to the information desk at the event start location. Alternatively, if you’re still gathering donations you can bank it and return it all in one go via any of the methods below. You can then send in your sponsorship form separately but make sure it includes your full name and address along with the event name. Via the donate page on our website By cheque made out to ‘Prospect Hospice’ Via your online fundraising page Directly to our bank account (please ask for details)

Do I need to raise sponsorship?

Yes please. We ask that all of the people taking part in the fire walk make an effort to collect sponsorship. This is a fundraising event and the registration fee helps only to cover the administration and further resource costs associated with the event. Therefore all funds raised through sponsorship for our events go towards the overall £8m that we have to raise to be able to continue providing our outstanding services to patients, as well as their families. A fundraising page is automatically generated when you sign up for you to share with your family and friends for sponsorship.

How much sponsorship should I raise?

The suggested minimum sponsorship to take part in this event is £150. We will support you all the way, including with ideas and tips, an automatic fundraising page when you sign up, and a sponsor form for any offline donations.

Do I need to bring cash on the night?

There is a free drink after you’ve completed your fire walk but there will also be the opportunity to purchase drinks, snacks, and other merchandise.

I have a question that isn't covered here. Who can I ask?

Please contact us on 01793 816161 or email fundraisingandevents@prospect-hospice.net and we’ll be happy to help.
