Sign up to the

Dying Well Community Charter

Join other local leading organisations

Free resources for your organisation

The Dying Well Community Charter
For nearly 40 years, Prospect Hospice has been providing the only dedicated end-of-life care to the 300,000 people of Swindon and north east Wiltshire.  We bring care, comfort and confidence, around the clock, every day of the year. We do this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through its Inpatient Unit, Day Therapy, Community Nurse Specialist Team and our Prospect@Home service.

As people are remaining in employment for longer, it means businesses are seeing more employees with life-limiting illnesses or have staff that has a family member with a life-limiting illness.

What is the Dying Well Community Charter?
With our experience of caring for local people and families, we are inviting local businesses to sign up to the Dying Well Community Charter. It enables us to give back by offering our support, advice and resource to line managers, HR teams and business owners. Whether you are looking for help with a bereavement policy, advice on how you can speak to staff diagnosed with a life-limiting illness or a family member of theirs, the Charter and Prospect Hospice will always be there to support and guide you.

By working in partnership with us you can be confident that that your staff are receiving the best advice and support in this difficult time of their life.

How will signing up to the Dying Well Community Charter help my business?
It’s very simple to sign up to the Charter and like all our care services, it’s free of charge. When your organisation signs up we will email you an array of resources. We will also email you the contact details of your own Prospect Hospice representation that you can contact for advice and/or meet when you need them.  You may initially only want them to visit you to speak about the Charter and how you can use it. The Charter will enable you to have a committed approach to supporting your staff at a time when they’ll need it the most.

Who can sign up to the Dying Well Community Charter?
Any business of all sizes in Swindon and north-east Wiltshire can sign up to the Dying Well Community charter. From large organisations to sole traders.  Unfortunately life-limiting illnesses can affect all of us, so we are reaching out to all businesses in Swindon and north-east Wiltshire to sign up.

How do I sign up to the Dying Well Community Charter?
You can sign up by completing the below simple form with your name. Or you can email  You will be emailed the Charter resource documents and the contact details of your Prospect Hospice representative. You will also be invited to future Charter events and new resources will be emailed to you. We will also add your logo to those who have already signed up.

By signing up your email will be used to keep you informed of the charter. This may include being contacted by your Prospect Hospice representative, invited to events and newsletters about the Charter.

Don’t delay, sign up today by completing the following form or email

Who has signed up to the Dying Well Community Charter?

Sign up to the Dying Well Community Charter

Get in touch

To discuss the Dying Well Community Charter or to sign up email 

For more information about Prospect Hospice
